How does acupuncture work?

By Dr. Qingyao Shi, Lic. OM & Acu.

Originating in China over 2,000 years ago, acupuncture is an effective natural treatment.  According to Chinese medicine theory, acupuncture works by balancing energy flow through pathways in your body called meridians.  Meridians are channels, similar to rivers, that carry life-force or energy called “qi.”  A more modern understanding of qi relates to electrons, nerve pathways, and planes of connective tissue that are layered throughout the body.

Connective tissue, also called “fascia,” surrounds and infuses every structure of your body as one continuous tissue – arranged in layers from head to toe.  It’s so important that fascia remains continuous that if you cut it, stem cells within connective tissue reconnect you!  You might recognize this tissue repair as scar tissue.

Why must fascia remain continuous?

In modern acupuncture theory, it is believe that, since connective tissue is the most electrically conductive tissue in the body, electrons are traveling on these pathways with almost instantaneous communication.  Your fascia and many of your nerve pathways travel the same routes.  But what does all this have to do with qi, electrons, and the acupuncture meridians?

So glad you asked!  The electron and fascia theory explains how acupuncture works.

Since fascial planes appear to map onto the acupuncture meridians that carry life force (electrons) through your body, the acupuncture points, located between them, can be used to regulate qi flow to correct imbalances.  The points are detectible using an electrical device that measures the most electrically conductive areas of the body.  Since fascia is wrapping and infusing all your parts in an electrically conductive covering, an acupuncture needle, being made of metal, can draw in electrons to these areas of conductivity, causing a measurable change in flow through the meridians.

Electrons are required for human health.  They are the force that creates the spark of life.  Your body is filled with electrons.  Your brain has an electrical system controlled through chemical signalling (brain waves are measured electrically with an EEG).  Your heart has its very own electrical system that causes muscle contractions to pump blood (measured by an EKG).  Your blood is not only carrying oxygen, it is transporting electrons to your entire body, keeping you alive.

In Chinese Medicine theory, your qi flow (electrons) can become stagnant or depleted, causing symptoms to develop along the acupuncture (fascial) pathways.  Acupuncture needles move stagnant energy and charge the channels by changing the electrical flow through the meridians, unblocking them so that your qi circulates in a smooth, free-flowing way.  This rebalances your entire system to promote self-healing.  You experience pain relief, increased vitality, and good health.